Gigarom 1
Gigarom Macintosh Archives (Quantum Leap)(CDRM1080320)(1993).iso
Developer Stack 1.1
< prev
Text File
241 lines
-- stack: in.1
-- format: 8 (HyperCard 1)
-- flags: 0x0 (none)
-- protect password hash: 0
-- maximum user level: 5 (scripting)
-- window: Rect(x1=0, y1=0, x2=0, y2=0)
-- screen: Rect(x1=0, y1=0, x2=0, y2=0)
-- card dimensions: w=0 h=0
-- scroll: x=0 y=0
-- background count: 9
-- first background id: 3091
-- card count: 66
-- first card id: 4851
-- list block id: 23636
-- print block id: 3564
-- font table block id: 0
-- style table block id: 0
-- free block count: 0
-- free size: 0 bytes
-- total size: 208864 bytes
-- stack block size: 6144 bytes
-- created by hypercard version: 0x00000000
-- compacted by hypercard version: 0x00000000
-- modified by hypercard version: 0x00000000
-- opened by hypercard version: 0x00000000
-- patterns[0]: 0x0000000000000000
-- patterns[1]: 0x0000220000002200
-- patterns[2]: 0x8800220088002200
-- patterns[3]: 0xCC003300CC003300
-- patterns[4]: 0xCC883322CC883322
-- patterns[5]: 0xFF00FF00FF00FF00
-- patterns[6]: 0xEECCBB33EECCBB33
-- patterns[7]: 0xFFCCFF33FFCCFF33
-- patterns[8]: 0xFFEEFFBBFFEEFFBB
-- patterns[9]: 0xFFFFFFBBFFFFFFBB
-- patterns[10]: 0x8010022001084004
-- patterns[11]: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
-- patterns[12]: 0x8822882288228822
-- patterns[13]: 0x1122448811224488
-- patterns[14]: 0xC4800C6843023026
-- patterns[15]: 0xB130031BD8C00C8D
-- patterns[16]: 0xAA00AA00AA00AA00
-- patterns[17]: 0x8822552288225522
-- patterns[18]: 0x8855225588552255
-- patterns[19]: 0x77DD77DD77DD77DD
-- patterns[20]: 0x8000000000000000
-- patterns[21]: 0xAA55AA55AA55AA55
-- patterns[22]: 0x5555555555555555
-- patterns[23]: 0x8244394482010101
-- patterns[24]: 0x8814224188412214
-- patterns[25]: 0x8080413E080814E3
-- patterns[26]: 0x22048C7422179810
-- patterns[27]: 0xBE808808EB088880
-- patterns[28]: 0x25C8328964244C92
-- patterns[29]: 0xA29C41BE2AC914EB
-- patterns[30]: 0x40A00000040A0000
-- patterns[31]: 0x8040200002040800
-- patterns[32]: 0xAA00800088008000
-- patterns[33]: 0xFF80808080808080
-- patterns[34]: 0x081C22C180010204
-- patterns[35]: 0xFF808080FF080808
-- patterns[36]: 0xF87422478F172271
-- patterns[37]: 0xBF00BFBFB0B0B0B0
-- patterns[38]: 0xFF7FBE5DA2418000
-- patterns[39]: 0xFAF5FAF5A050A050
-- checksum: 0x0
----- HyperTalk script -----
on openStack
hide message box
set userlevel to 5
end openStack
on mouseup
if the optionkey is not down then exit mouseup
if the shiftkey is down then edit script of this background
else edit script of target
end if
end mouseup
on newcard
ask "What do you want to name this card?"
set cursor to 4
put "Please wait while we fix things up for you..."
put it into newName
if newName is empty then
domenu delete card
hide message
exit newcard
end if
set the name of this card to newName
put newName into field name
set lockscreen to true
put the short name of this background into rememberThis
push this card
go first card
put newName&"," after card field rememberThis
put newName&"," after card field index
pop card
set lockscreen to false
hide message window
end newcard
--this function will take a word passed to it by the calling script,
--check if it is valid, and then go the card whose name is that wore.
function HyperText selectedWord
--hypertext technique by Steve Drazga, ART Incorporated
--if you use this in your scripts please include these 2 lines.
if space is in SelectedWord then --the user selected more than 1 word
click at loc of target --so we will clear the selection
exit HyperText --and exit to wait for another selection
end if
push this card
visual dissolve to gray
visual dissolve
go card selectedWord
if the result is not empty then
play oops
answer "Can't find that card"
end if
end HyperText
--this function is used by the 'install' buttons in the
--XFCN & XCMD cards. It needs the resource type and resource name
--passed to it. It then attempts to install the resource into
--a target stack & returns the result.
function installres type, resname
--Original script by Steve Drazga, ART Incorpoated
--XFCNs used: fileName,
--XCMDs used: modResCopy,
--HANDLERS used: none
--FUNCTIONS used: none
put (long name of this stack) into sourceStack
delete first word of sourceStack
delete first character of sourceStack
delete last character of sourceStack
put "Select a stack to copy this resource into."
put filename("STAK") into fname
if fname is empty then exit installres
if sourcestack=fname then
play "oops"
return "Get real. You can't install it in this stack"
exit installres
end if
ModResCopy sourceStack,fname,type,resname
get the result
if first char of it is "E" then
play oops
return "Attempt to install resource has failed."
return "Resource installation successful"
end if
end installres
-- LastPathComponent -- given a file pathname, returns the last
-- component i.e. whatever comes after the last colon, if anything.
-- From Dewi Williams
function LastPathComponent name
-- scan backwards for the last colon.
repeat with i = the length of name down to 1
if character i of name is ":" then exit repeat
end repeat
if i is 1 then
-- Name was of the form ":thing" or "thing". Check for leading
-- colon, and adjust if necessary. Done for generality.
if first character of name is ":" then
put 2 into i
end if
add 1 to i -- skip the colon
end if
-- Name was of the form "Thing:otherthing". Return "otherThing".
put empty into lastpath
repeat with j = i to the length of name
put character j of name after lastpath
end repeat
return lastpath
end LastPathComponent
-- OsErr: for displaying Operating system error codes returned by
-- Sublaunch, RenameFile, MoveFile and DeleteFile XFCNs.
-- From Dewi Williams
on OsErr err
-- Translate the most common ones
if err > 0 then -- XFCN convention
put "Parameter error with function" into errstr
else if err is -59 then
put "Problem during rename" into errstr
else if err is -54 then
put "Attempt to open locked file for writing" into errstr
else if err is -46 then
put "Volume locked by software" into errstr
else if err is -45 then
put "File locked" into errstr
else if err is -44 then
put "Volume locked by hardware" into errstr
else if err is -43 then
put "File not found" into errstr
else if err is -37 then
put "Bad volume or file name" into errstr
else if err is -36 then
put "I/O error" into errstr
else if err is -35 then
put "No such volume" into errstr
else if err is -34 then
put "Disk is full" into errstr
else if err is -49 then
put "File already open for writing" into errstr
put "Failed with error" && err into errstr
end if
answer errstr with "OK"
end OsErr